This family you would think would be easy to find but it's not. There are 4 or 5 Elliot/Elliott families that I have found in New England. They all come from different countries in the world and settled here in the United States at different areas or close by areas to each other. One is Andrew Elliott, he settled in Beverly, MA. Another is my family Edmund Elliot who settled in the Amesbury/Salisbury, MA area. Another that is very confusing is is John Elliott who came from Durham, MA to Boscawen, NH. This one gets confused a lot with my ancestor John Elliot who settled in the Penacook/Concord, NH area. My John Elliot had a brother Thomas Elliot who also settled in Boscawen, NH. They apparently spent a lot of time together because I have found my John Elliot signed up for the American Revolutionary war in Boscawen, NH along with his brother Thomas. Separating the 2 families has been very difficult at times but it can and has been done. There is a book called "John Elliott of Boscawen, NH" and that has helped. History of Concord by Rev. Nathaniel Boulton has also been a BIG help. My John Elliot moved to Concord, NH from Newton, NH and so did a 2nd cousin of his named Joseph Elliott who was married to Lydia Goodwin and in fact, John Elliot moved across the street from them purchasing a house from Joseph's brother Benjamin Elliott.
My John Elliot was a fascinating person, was in the American Revolutionary war, served at Bunker Hill along with his son John Elliot who served with the Massachusetts Militia. My John Elliot served with New Hampshire Militia. He raised his boys to be tough and his daughters to be strong, John Elliot and Hannah Jones Elliot were obviously very good parents!
Another good book to read about the Elliot family is the Amesden Manuscript. Fascinating HUGE book full of information about life and times of the 1700's - 1900's in Concord, New Hampshire. Large part of the book is about the Penacook area which is where my family settled and lived. Oliver Hoit who was my GGGG Uncle (brother to Jedidiah Hoit) founded and settled the area of Horse Hill which they now call Riverhill.
Another Elliot family is the "Apostle to the Indians" John Elliot. You will find him in history books in Massachusetts and CT. He came to America with my other ancestor Richard Lyman and you will find the 2 were acquaintances throughout their lives.
But although there are all these Elliot families, I have found no links to each other except for John Elliot of Penacook/Concord, NH and Joseph Elliott of Penacook/Concord, NH. History books say that they are not related but they are, 2nd cousins.
Could you possibly shed some light on a Miriam Elliott of Boscawen, NH who married Withrop Collins of Salisbury NH in 1784? The Miriams listed in the Kimball book are all at least a generation younger, and she's (obviously) not the one who married David Hoyt.
what year was she born? She could be a child of Thomas Elliot & Miriam Currier. Who is the brother of my 5th great grandfather John Elliot of Concord, NH. Or she could be the descendant of John Elliott of Boscawen, NH
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