Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day 2011

Veteran's Day, good time to remember our Veterans and Active Troops, should remember them every day but it's nice to have a special day set aside to remember and give thanks to those that served and sacrificed for our freedom.
I have many Veteran relatives and ancestors and friends and I am proud of each and every one of them.  I spent last night going through looking at all the military records of my many ancestors who served in one capacity or another.  I am very proud and thankful for their service.

My Uncles all served in the military.  Uncle Steve & Uncle Bob in Korea, Uncle Stoney & Uncle Farl in WWII, Uncle Don and Uncle Les were in the Navy and Army.  My Grandfather Ambrose M. Cannon was in WW 1.  That is his picture above, I don't know why this blog thingy decided to move it up there, but there he is.  The below is an article that he wrote a letter to the editor to his hometown newspaper.

To reflect on what my ancestors accomplished, I have to say that I don't think that I evolved well.  I think that if Darwin met me he would throw his papers up in the air, rip out some hair and start all over again on his theory of evolution.
I don't think that I would have the "fight" in me to walk to a war, let alone kill someone.  But they did for what they believed in and for the luxuries that we have today in our freedoms.  Men and Women continue to fight for our freedoms today and they are wonderful people!  The best of the best!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Miller Family Line

This is the other family line that I found needs very extensive work done to it and I'm on it.

The Robert Miller family lived in Vermont around the early 1800's.  I was going through the list of children that I have for this family and noticed that very few of most of them have no death dates.  I got checking and found some that died the first 10 years of their lives.  I thought that this is not possible till I remember reading about the 3-6,000 people that Malignant fever wiped out in the early 1800's.  Means my family members were some of them.  I wonder if this played a part of their decision to move out West?  Would be very devastating to have so many siblings pass away and watching friends and acquaintances pass away so quickly as well.  I will do further research on this and see what I can find and post my findings here.

Robison Family line

Got sidetracked, I started going through my family tree, sometimes when I am tired at night, that is what I do, just walk through the different family lines.  I found 2 that need some serious work done to it.  Lots of information on is wrong, places of birth/death.  Can make for finding absolutely nothing which is what it was doing till I changed it.  Very different findings I am finding for my cluster research of this family.  This is going to take some very intense work because I am finding dates and places both wrong on all accounts that I find people have already listed.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pillsbury Family line

Just got started on the Pillsbury Family line, should be interesting.  I know that Hannah Pillsbury married Joseph Hoit and that was our beginning link to the Pillsbury family line.  I know I checked and found out that we are relatives of the founders of Pillsbury, Inc.  but of course, not a close tie but we share dna. That's about all I know currently, hope by the end of the week that I will know more. 

I just started and am finding a lot of our relatives were in the American Revolutionary War.  I love studying and learning about the American Revolutionary War.  It always amazes me about the war that was on the land that we currently lived on.  I like to imagine the spirit that they had fighting for their land and beliefs.  Sometimes it was neighbor against neighbor, some had uniforms, some didn't and NO SHOES.  I can't imagine going out in no shoes and in the snow.  I think if someone knocked on my door and I opened it and they told me I had to go the snow..........march, fight, kill or be killed that the door would swing shut real fast with me still inside the house!  I don't think I evolved well......there goes Darwin's theory right INSIDE the door!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Online Family Tree Databases credibility

hmmmmmmmmmmm....................... I always thought that I was in favor of online family tree databases.  When it was questioned, I questioned the person's credibility that brought the subject up.  But now I think I am on this person's side or at least I can see his reasoning for saying what he said.  There is 1 online datebase that I tried out, quit, went back and tried again and left it in 100% disgust.  I use another one but I am questioning the use of it now.  The information, census', vital records that I get is 100% worth the money that I pay.  But the information that is being put out there and shared without question by other people is what I question now.  I'm wondering if people are actually reading what they are putting on their family trees. 
I have found a lot of information that is not accurate even in the smallest of percentages and people just blindly put it on their family trees which means their tree is wrong.  I put what I find basically on the family tree, such as spouses & children.  Then I go through and put reasoning and logic into it back in their day, not current day and I go through a process of deletion which sometimes takes some time.  That is why I have my tree "private".  I have to at least attach a source to what is on my tree to make it even a little credible, then take it to as credible as I can get it. 
When working on genealogy you have to realize that you will never get it 100%.  For some reason some things are just not to be found till future generations.  With the internet, you can get it close or "completely drive the bus into the ditch".  Which if it's the later, you can still get it corrected as closely as you can at the time.  Sometimes things don't make sense to me, so I go and work on something else and think about it and then I go back and things usually will come together.  That is why when a person asks me to find information for them, they seem to think that it's instanteous and it's not always. 
You have to sort things out.  Sometimes things don't make sense to us in this current day.  Simple truth is that we don't think as they did 200 years ago.  In some ways we have hopefully evolved.  Or we have not, they had it right and we tried to overthink the outcome.  We do do that, ya know?
Be leary of online family tree databases but be appreciative at the same time.  Doesn't make sense but what I am talking about is be appreciative of the stories and pictures that you find.  Be appreciative of the records that you find.  I do indexing for both ancestry and familysearch and it takes a lot of time and a lot of people to get these records online to make your research easier.  Back when I started working on genealogy I never dreamed that we would have what we have today.  I keep thinking how my Grandmother would of been all over this happily! 
I have a GGG Grandfather that back in 1967 she told me that since we were Mormon that his family was Catholic and against that we had joined the church and getting records would not be possible.  I really didn't understand that because after all, we are the finest of people!  But I believed what she said.  30 years later when I found his family had not only provided his death date but a story about his life.  I just sat there and looked around after I found it wishing that my grandmother was around to tell her and I realized that since she had passed away she probably already knew.  But he lived to be 97 years old and the 95 year grace period after his death, we would not of been able to get his death dates.  So mission compleat!
Also be leary of what you find on the various websites.  A lot of stories are cut, copied and pasted and you would not believe how many falsehoods I have found about my ancestors.  Too many to count and the stories just keep getting told over and over and over and over and over again.  Check your facts, get into the detail of the stories and research the time period that they lived in.  When I need a break or know I should be taking a break I read history books of that area and that time period and I learn more about how they thought, what life practices they had, what religions were being practiced in their areas and what people that lived there thought of the different religions.  Religion definitely played a MAJOR part in people's lives.  Question everything, get detailed, nit-pick every word and you will get the true story that should be told for generations.
So in this respect, I love what the internet has given to the world of Genealogy!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Things are not as they seem.............

Sometimes you see something and experience some shock & awe.  I found this grave marker:

I could not believe that someone would put something like this on a grave marker.  My husband refused to take the picture so I did.  Mainly because Churchill is a name that I descend from.  I came home and just had to tell my father about it, I figured that it was their hateful children because he had died around the time of WW1 and she died in 1946.  But that wasn't the case I found out, they didn't have any children.  Come to find out after researching the couple.  The husband & wife were very much a big part of their community and well liked.  He was a judge, town moderator and had no affiliation with Germany, Hitler or Nazism at all.  But him and his wife did live for awhile in an Indian community and I have been told that there are some Indians that use to use this "symbol" so maybe that is why it is there.  I am not listing where this grave marker is because the people are highly respected in their town and I would like it to stay that way.  But my concern and disgust turned to admiration for the couple and the high standards they held in their community.  Definitely 2 people that wanted the best for the town that they lived in, loving, caring people!!
See, things are not always as they seem, a little bit of research can turn a shock into admiration of 2 people!  I think this is why if something I feared, I would get books and research the subject and release all my fears, this good practice that I enstilled in my life at a young age became a good experience for me in my latter years!

Webinars, Cemeteries & Research

seems to be what my life has turned into.  I have been very busy researching the Kimball & Colby family lines.  I also went to Lebanon, New Hampshire to search for family at cemeteries.  It was really nice, I had never been there before.  It was interesting to look around and try to envision the people that were my ancestors and where they might of been, living and working in the area.  It is a very nice place to visit!  I do plan on going back, they are fixing up the old church on Main St. behind it is a cemetery that we spent some time taking pictures.  Very interesting!! 

We went to Grafton, New Hampshire, found a few cemeteries and we stopped and took pictures but didn't find the cemeteries with my family in it.  Maybe they don't have headstones now or then?????  Don't know but I will do some more research and see what I can come up with!  I need to find ONE gravestone to prove that he was buried there and that is Jedidiah Hoit's son John and anyone in his family.  It just doesn't seem logical that he lived in Grafton, New Hampshire and everyone has him listed as dying and being buried in Utica, NY.  Doesn't make sense to me at all.  I am sure he is buried at Grafton, New Hampshire, just have to prove it.

I have been listening to a lot of webinars online and learning some really valuable information.  They have been of BIG help to me and my research and work that I am doing with the Bridgton Historical Society.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My first Brick Wall

I am going to try to post 1 family info and 1 genealogy info post each time I post.  My first brick wall took me 30 years to solve.  Yep, sometimes it takes awhile to figure things out.  Most of my experience with genealogy happened before the internet.  It was not so easy to find things before the internet happened.  The name of the rascal that gave me the first brick wall was a man named Julius Mason.  He was born in CT, went to NY then went to WI.  I couldn't find him to save my soul.  Back in the had to wait 100 years after a persons death to get a birth or death certificate.  I knew that he had lived in WI because his son William Henry Mason came from there.  A little over 10 years ago I was messin' on the internet and started typing in his name Julius Mason.  I came up with nothing on RootsWeb and Yahoo Search (Google was not around then).  Then I typed in his wife's name and came up with something on RootsWeb.  A daughter or granddaughter had written up a story about them and left it on her webpage.  It was awesome!  I found out that he had lived to be 97 years old, died in WI!!!!  I looked around and wanted to tell my grandmother but then it dawned on me that since she passed away in 1978, that she probably already knew.  She had told me at the time that the family was upset that after William Henry Mason had passed away that his wife married into a polygamous LDS family and wouldn't give us any information.  Times have definitely changed!
This ancestor of mine caused me great heartache or frustration rather that I couldn't go further on that family line than him.  I have since gone quite a ways back on his family line!
Don't give up, it might take awhile to find or solve your brick wall person.  Go on to other family lines but remember to go back and search your problem family line.  You will find something eventually, never doubt that.  Sometimes what I do is when I find that I am stressing, I stop and go on to another family line.  Then I go back and it somehow comes together but the old saying "Patience is a Virtue" is true in this case.  Patience is not my strong suit but it has to be in cases such as this.

My Elliot Family

This family you would think would be easy to find but it's not.  There are 4 or 5 Elliot/Elliott families that I have found in New England.  They all come from different countries in the world and settled here in the United States at different areas or close by areas to each other.  One is Andrew Elliott, he settled in Beverly, MA.  Another is  my family Edmund Elliot who settled in the Amesbury/Salisbury, MA area.  Another that is very confusing is is John Elliott who came from Durham, MA to Boscawen, NH.  This one gets confused a lot with my ancestor John Elliot who settled in the Penacook/Concord, NH area.  My John Elliot had a brother Thomas Elliot who also settled in Boscawen, NH.  They apparently spent a lot of time together because I have found my John Elliot signed up for the American Revolutionary war in Boscawen, NH along with his brother Thomas.  Separating the 2 families has been very difficult at times but it can and has been done.  There is a book called "John Elliott of Boscawen, NH" and that has helped.  History of Concord by Rev. Nathaniel Boulton has also been a BIG help.  My John Elliot moved to Concord, NH from Newton, NH and so did a 2nd cousin of his named Joseph Elliott who was married to Lydia Goodwin and in fact, John Elliot moved across the street from them purchasing a house from Joseph's brother Benjamin Elliott.
My John Elliot was a fascinating person, was in the American Revolutionary war, served at Bunker Hill along with his son John Elliot who served with the Massachusetts Militia.  My John Elliot served with New Hampshire Militia.  He raised his boys to be tough and his daughters to be strong, John Elliot and Hannah Jones Elliot were obviously very good parents!
Another good book to read about the Elliot family is the Amesden Manuscript.  Fascinating HUGE book full of information about life and times of the 1700's - 1900's in Concord, New Hampshire.  Large part of the book is about the Penacook area which is where my family settled and lived.  Oliver Hoit who was my GGGG Uncle (brother to Jedidiah Hoit) founded and settled the area of Horse Hill which they now call Riverhill.
Another Elliot family is the "Apostle to the Indians" John Elliot.  You will find him in history books in Massachusetts and CT.  He came to America with my other ancestor Richard Lyman and you will find the 2 were acquaintances throughout their lives.
But although there are all these Elliot families, I have found no links to each other except for John Elliot of Penacook/Concord, NH and Joseph Elliott of Penacook/Concord, NH.  History books say that they are not related but they are, 2nd cousins.

Friday, September 2, 2011

43 years of family history

I have 60,000 + people on my family tree. Lots of cousins, Lots of information that I have obtained throughout the years. I have thought often of what I have learned about them and about myself.
I have learned about myself through my ancestors is how strong I am. Not just physically but mentally & emotionally too. I read about what my ancestors had gone through and I think of how I have that in my DNA, therefore, I must be strong to. I wish I had known years ago what my ancestors were like and what they went through. I think my schooling would of been more interesting to me and I would of learned more, been a better student. When I have made mistakes, I would of known by their experiences that I would survive these mistakes and learn from them so they are not repeated. Or maybe they would not of happened at all.
My ancestors amaze me, I am a big fan of each and every one of them. To learn about their experiences as pioneers and the struggles and hardships they endured and survived. Wars, famine, weather related hardships, diseases, loss of loved ones and each one of them survived to pursue their happy lives.
When I first started working on family history, my grandfather had just died in 1967. My grandmother had not really been alone before in her life, so first my brother stayed with her, then that summer I stayed with her. I learned a lot from this lady, she was an amazing person! Many of the things that she taught me, I still do to this day and it's been 43 years. But she kept talking about her family and there were so many. She came from a polygamist family and there were so many of them, I couldn't figure out how a woman of her age could remember SO many people! So I started looking at her family group sheets and the information that she had and asking her questions. She found out that I had taken a typing class and put me to work typing up family group sheets for her. LOTS of people!! But ever since I have worked on my family group sheets. When I find out something new I feel sad that she is not here now for me to tell about them, but in many ways, I think she's here with me and she knows! Throughout the years I have gone to family history centers and worked on my families genealogy. Shaking family trees to see how many nuts I can get out of it is a challenge, it's like putting a jigsaw puzzle together and no, you can't cut the corners to make it fit! Just doesn't work that way.
The best friend to genealogy has been the internet in so many ways. But you have to be careful, some family stories on websites are not thoroughly searched out. I have found a lot of things wrong.
Use common sense, logic when you work on a family and/or individual. Women did not give birth after death, many times I find a name and the birth and death date do not correspond with the individual's parents or children. Needs more research and hopefully you will find the correct records. Check census reports but don't take everything you find there at face value. Sometimes the birth date is "approximate" so you are probably working within a 5/10 year timespan. Many births are also actually the blessing/baptism/christening dates. Sometimes births were not recorded at that time but you can find the christening dates, so within 5/10 years is when that person could of been born. It's time consuming but it is so worth it.
I like doing cluster searches especially when a person you are researching lived 150 - 200 years ago. You can sometimes find information about your family from a cousin's family. Also check the diaries of Clergymen of that area. You can find dates of when they dealt with your family in church functions. Same goes for Physician's diaries. Sometimes you are blessed with finding a Physician's diary or work journal and you can find out what diseases they were dealing with in that area during your ancestors life time. So then you can figure out the medical history and if it affects you or your descendants in the future.

Historical Societies

I must admit, I'm all for Historical Societies. I am delighted when people bring in pictures, old family heirlooms for all to see. To me it means that future generations will get to see the pictures or family heirlooms and they won't be locked up, forgotten in someone's attic for no one for the mice to see.
It is very sad for me to see historical societies disappear due to lack of interest, funds, etc. These historical societies are there for US. We need to find a way to keep them. Lots of times it's the locals who have been there for generations that know the history of the town and the people that have lived for generations in that town. I love the big state or regional historical societies, don't get me wrong on that account. But the small, individual town historical societies are the heartbeat of genealogy work. Someone who lives and works in the state capital that has the state historical society doesn't know what a town historical society knows about the area. They know what they are given, whereas, locals know what they have experienced and heard about all of their lives.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Horse Hill Cemetery

Concord, New Hampshire Books

I have found several very informative books about Concord, New Hampshire and have found information in them about the Hoit/Hoyt family, Elliot family and new found ancestor relatives.

Concord, New Hampshire

this is the first place that I went. I have always wanted to go there since I found out that my family use to live here. I first went to a cemetery called Horse Hill. It is in the same area that the family lived in. It is very nice here, very peaceful. I looked around and imagined what it would be like back in their day, since this time I have learned so much more than what I could imagine at this time! I couldn't find his grave but I found his brother's graves and Hannah Elliot Hoit's sisters graves. One married Jedidiah's brother Joseph Hoit, another married Jonathan Uran and they are all buried here. The only other family I could find was Jedidiah & Hannah's daughter Naomi Hoit Baker who is buried with her husband Marshall Baker and 2 of their daughters.

Hoit/Hoyt family

I have been researching my Hoit/Hoyt family to become genealogy certified.
Have found out a lot about my grandmother's family and a lot about myself as well.
46 years ago, my Grandfather Cannon passed away, can't believe it's been that long! But that summer I went and stayed with my Grandmother so that she would not be alone. She came from a family of polygamist and she loved every single one of them and use to talk about them with such pride! I could not believe that she could remember that many peoples names so she got me started on typing up her family group sheets. I would ask her about each and every person and she had an answer for everyone except for one. I held up Jedediah Hoyt and Hannah Elliot family group sheet and she said that they knew very little about them, that they were on the east coast side of the family. I thought to myself that I would someday learn about these people. He pretty much stuck in my mind for the rest of my life. I named my second son after him, he was born 2 months early, didn't have time to re-check the family group sheet that I had, so I shortened his middle name to "Jed". I didn't know if he spelled it Jedidiah or Jedediah but I found out later how he spelled his name, how he wrote his name, everything about him *S* What a trip this has been!!!!

Been gone awhile.......

3 years to be exact but I am back, been very busy here, will try to update my travels and experiences here now.